Just a guy who likes doodling and making games =).


Barrow-in-Furness UK

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SinclairStrange's News

Posted by SinclairStrange - February 5th, 2013

For the past couple of days I've been turning around my latest flash game into something more...umm violent? Now I would of had the previous version of the game complete by now but I really fancied doing something different for my first flash game of this year.

So I added exploding heads and body parts. Hand drawn the whole game on paper and scanned it all in and made it extremely more violent.

And now be a video showing off the five weapons you can use through this game.

As you can see, it's a little bit violent.

Now as gameplay, you'll be presented with different missions through three different stages. For example one mission might be killing a certain amount of people in a set time, killing all the people with a set gun and ammo, complete a level without getting hit or collecting a certain weight of organs. The controls should be more friendly as it's played with either the arrows or wsad and "up" for jump. You aim with the mouse. So that should please some people. (And if you get delay, get a better computer.)

So yeah, it's coming along nicely and should be out in a couple of weeks time.

And with the other version of this game (which is like 60% complete) someone is more than welcomed to say, sponsor it and I'll change it around into a new game. Idk, just spitballing :P

Hope ye likes the bloodshed!

(Below is some old concept artwork for the old version of the game)

Posted by SinclairStrange - January 21st, 2013

'Ello there.

Firstly just want to say a ickle sorry for not being active after releasing Sole Gunner, I was sadly taken ill and spent some time back and forth at the hospital and doctors which means I couldn't do the stuff I had planned for my Kickstarter and Newgrounds. I was going to release a tech demo of what the new engine would of been, an extra level for Sole Gunner as well as fixing up all the bugs and adding in 8 directional firing.

But as things went, I was too ill (and then Christmas came and smacked me in the face too.) I sadly couldn't start and finish off what I had planned. So a big sworries to peeps there. I'm glad some people liked the game, despite some of it's flaws. I'm taking them into consideration for my next games to come.

With that, I'm 'ere also to show off my next game, "I Want To Be Human,".

It's just a basic platformer really but with power-ups that you use the mouse to control. I'm just making simple games at the moment as I recover, I'm also trying to put my art-style into my games, (the game is based off one of my doodles down below.)

I also just want to make a game where you go around collecting organs, especially spleens.

I'm also going to make the game more easier to access to casual gamers, so the game is going to be a lot more easier than I tend to make. (I've even included a health bar!) I'll most likely be releasing it with-in a couple of weeks, so keep a look out if you're interested.

Anyway, hope everyone had a good Christmas and a happy new year!


Apologies and Organs.

Posted by SinclairStrange - December 5th, 2012

Yay, finally the game is finished! It took a bit longer than I thought but it's done! Yay!

For anyone who was wanting a download to the offline standalone exe version for slow computers, you should go here:
Sole Gunner Download

I'm trying to raise funds for a fully filled standalone game through Kickstarter, so if people would like to see this game expanded on and made ten times better, then please show your support here:
Kickstarter Campaign

Other than that, I hope people like the game!

Sole Gunner: Finished! (Download link too)

Posted by SinclairStrange - November 5th, 2012

Final update for this game now as I've set a release date for the end of November! Anyway I thought I would show off the new updated first stage, Forgotten Lands. Instead of being a desert it's now a forest. The desert level has been moved to the third level and will be based purely on a moving train.

For people who want to play the demo, you can find it 'ere:

The controls are the same:
Arrows - Move
A - Jump
S - Shoot
Enter - Pause
(To collect items, (weapons/health) when over the item, press down.)

If you don't want/can't play then 'ere be a video of the level:

Anyway I'm still planning to release an standalone exe version for anyone with slow computers as this game really is a CPU drain.

Plus I'm thinking of starting up a kickstart after this flash game is finished to try and fund a fully 8+ staged game to sell, maybe on Steam Greenlight. Who knows, lets see if this is successful first.

Hope ye likes,

Posted by SinclairStrange - October 13th, 2012

It's been a month...so I thought I'll share another demo with you. I've sort of been slow lately building this game as I've been job hunting, Guild Warin' and just basically being lazy. However, I've kick'd me butt into gear and have started to get back onto track for that mid November release date.

Anyway this pubic demo shows off part 2 of the second level, Sky Tower. I've re-done some of the engine, made nicer looking text/boss huds and just tried to polish things up. Hopefully it'll run smoothly on flash for most people. (People with slower computers, I'll be uploading exe version on my dumping grounds so no fear!)

If people don't want/can't play this latest demo, 'ere be a video showing off the stage:

And 'eres the public demo:

(Controls are listed on the project info part)

Anyway, I hope ye like the second demo and thanks for all the criticism and ideas about how to improve the game. It's been a real help. Hope ye like,

(Oh and remember the game is still a work in progress)

Sole Gunner (Sky Tower)-(Public Demo)

Posted by SinclairStrange - September 16th, 2012

I lied. (Well I didn't but...)
I decided to scrap making Baby Spew for the time being and focus my energy on that "Killing Robot" game as I've got emails and people telling me I should finish that off. So instead of carrying on, I've decided to remake it into something looking much more awesome! Also I've decided to upload the first two parts as a public demo/test for everyone to play! =).

Play the demo 'ere:


Now it's still a work in progress, that's why there isn't menus or extra fancy graphics or cutscenes finished yet. It's just a quick showcase of what the gameplay is going to be like. Any questions/bugs/dislikes/likes about the game, please post about them! That's why I'm showing this early.

I'm hoping to finish this flash game around mid November and then with that, hoping to create a full PC version of the game that I'll be submitting to Steam Greenlight. (If this flash game goes down well.) Might start up a kickstarter because I'm really feeling for this project to be something big.

Anyway for people who don't want to play the flash demo, there is a video below as well as a picture.


Anyway I hope you like, =)

Sole Gunner (Public Demo)

Posted by SinclairStrange - August 31st, 2012

I just thought I'll show peeps a ickle picutre of my next flash game. It's a game that'll be set through three episodes. The first episode you control this ickle baby.

I'm getting a little tired of making basic arcade type games, so I thought my next flash game shall have some depth and include a story. The game itself is going to be a mixture of metroidvania, platforming and puzzle solving. So yes, it'll involve exploration!

Anyway below is a picture of what the game is currently looking like and one of the moves, Baby Spew.

(I might upload a public demo at some point for people to test and give feedback :3)
After I've finished this game, I'm going to re-work that Robot Shooting game for people who wanted to play that.


Baby Spew.

Posted by SinclairStrange - July 7th, 2012

Sad news I'm afraid...the "Robot Killing" game won't be appearing at Robot Day 2012 due to a couple of unforeseen events.

The first reason being that flash cannot handle the sheer amount of action on the screen and thus makes the game lag on roughly 50% of the laptops/desktops I've tested the game on.

The second reason and the most saddest of news is that I've got to attend a funeral on Tuesday, thus I wont be able to upload the game on Robot Day

The third and final reason being, time. I've been extremely busy, and with everything that's happening I don't think I would of finished the game up to my standard. (And if I did, I'd be working non stop til Robot Day).

However, I'm still going to complete the game and release it as a free/promo game. This is because I now have plans to develop the game for Xbox Live Indie Marketplace, which means I'll have a lot more scope for bigger and better graphics/boss fights and action!

I'm going to try and make a small, quick game for Robot Day and see if I can upload sometime in the night but with everything that's happening and me having a bit of mind block I doubt I'll be able too =(.

Anyway I've included an image of one of the stages, which was/is a tribute to Gunstar Heroes :P

Sorries :3

Sad News =(

Posted by SinclairStrange - June 12th, 2012

Hey hey, I thought I would post up an update about another game I have in the works if people are interested =). It's being made for Robot Day 'ere in Newgrounds lands and it's basically all about destroying evil robots, Contra style. (With a dash of Gunstar Heroes and Alien Solider into the mix too.)

Anyway, yeah it's going to have (hopefully) around four levels, each with roughly three areas and bosses to beat, five weapons and a ton of explosions.

I've made a little video showing off gameplay of the first area:

(Excuse my bad playing, it's pretty late 'ere and Contra music. Not got around to composing music yet.)

Anyway, yeah I hope ye like what you see, and hope you'll enjoy playing it when it's released :P.

Posted by SinclairStrange - April 2nd, 2012

Now I know I've been pretty quiet but I've been working on me next project while moving back home from university and finishing off coursework. Yay...

Anyway yeah, for my next project I'm going to try and make something huge. Like so huge it'll have different gameplay elements, voice acting and a script so funny it'll make you accidentally create brown lumps in ye pants. I'm working with me best buddy on a funny script about aliens stealing our beloved teapot and trying to eradicate tea from the universe while adding little sub plots to enhance the gameplay.

I don't know when it'll be released but I'm going to hopefully have a trailer video completed in the next couple of weeks. Plus I'm also going to start one of those "indiegogo" thingies to try and get some funding together. (But we'll see what happens).

I've placed a ickle picture showing the game in motion. It's still early days so somethings might be changed.

Anyway I hope ye likes =).

(Oh and r.i.p to Edd Gould. Was serious sad news =(. Sad times indeed)

Working With Oddballs