So just a update with regards of my flash projects.
Firstly, I thought I would show off the progress with Cathode Raybits, (my first Pico Day submission.) So I've decided to show off the 8-bit re-created weapons that you can gain from beating the Raybots. I'm basing this flash game off the classic NES Mega Man series. It's not going to be an exact copy but roughly 75%. I'm going to be changing little things about it but I'll get into that at a later date.
So without further ado, here's the weapons. (Sorry for the lack of sfx, I couldn't be bothered recording it, just imagine it containing Mega Man sfx.)
As you can tell, there's only going to be six stages, instead of the regular eight. This is due to just keeping the flash size down. Also for the Blue Bomber fans, you might noticed I've stolen the background from a stage ;P. (It's just a placeholder.) As you can see, I've taken most of the weapons that the Raybot's use. The only one I've not included is the teleportation one, as this just doesn't work for a Mega Man styled weapon, so instead you can unlock the flamethrower. Also,

So about the other flash game I'm currently working on, Super Room Raider, I've making good progress with this, I've changed the style to a more fitting NES style, which can see with the below pictures:

Hopefully the game should be finished in the next month, the full deluxe version will retail at $1.99 / £1.49 now due to new features. (Challenge mode being on of them ;P) So that's basically it. Hope you like the updates and everyone is well!