Just a couple of stuff to show off. I had a slow week due to illness but I managed to finish at least one level, the Fire/Flame Raybot.
So with that, here is a video of it's boss encounter!
(Please excuse the lack of soundeffects/custom music.)
So with a little catching up needed today, I've managed to (from stratch) finish half of the "Beam" Raybot level.
So as you can see, I'm going for a Top Man/Bomb Man/Pharaoh Man vibe with all the lovely gimmicks from Quick Man's stage. (Yes, that's right, you'll be facing Force Beams!)
So with that, that's another two stages down. Another two and a couple of "Castle levels" and the final polish and I'll be all done. HOPEFULLY all in time and for the 26th!
Til then, hope everyone's having a good day,
Im having a good day Joel and im happy the game is almost done!
That's good! I'm glad you was having a good day! It's about 60% done, so still a lot of stressful times ahead to get it finished on time!