Sorry didn't mean too.
As it would turn out I'm on mainly "call" and with that, they don't call me enough. So that gives me ample time to carry on doing what I love, that is making viddy games. I'm currently working on three games, one being a full game for sale on sites like Desura. I'll let you know more closer to the time with that one but it's basically a NES shooter.
The second game that's underworks, (but going slowly) is that de-make of Cathoray Raybots for PicoDay. But again more will be shown closer to the day of release but what I've got so far is pretty neat. (I hope!)
But finally, my next proper flash game I'm working on is a sequel to MagnetKid. It's going to have a real story this time, (which is in the final drafts of being finished.) Hoping to have voice acting too, but it's generally going to have a "dual" theme to go along with the idea of Magnets and it's polarity. I've got the engine pretty much finished with new tricks and traps included. 'Ere's a ickle picture of one of the test pictures I did to test out bloom and lighting effects.
(Everything isn't final just to point out, it's still earlyish in development.)
You can also listen to a track for one of the levels:
So yeah, that's the projects. We'll see where we go from here. Pretty glad that I've got time to make games, I felt pretty sad when I didn't haha.
Doesn't it suck to have your life played with after you make such grave decisions? At least it can be said the world will never be boring! :D
Thus does leave you a fall back to something can rely on, however, so there's a good catch in that regard. And while I bask in the knowledge that more goodness is on the arise, I don't think I've played the original MagnetKid yet. Strange. Let's jump on that! :P