I'm so very tired now after this weekend. It took all my strength but I managed to complete my jam entry, the Devil's Daughter.
You can play it 'ere on Newgrounds if you want:
But I hight suggest you download the PC-Windows version as it's miles better, runs smoother and have more visual effects: https://www.dropbox.com/s/guz9labxt4b0kcl/LD33thedevilsdaughter1.2.zip?dl=1
The game was created in under 72 hours for Ludum Dare 33 with the theme, You are the monster. It was one smeg of a challenge and I'm surprised I actually finished the game on time! (There was one point where I was sure I wasn't going to be able to submit anything!)
I also have a full playthrough footage of the game 'ere if you want to just watch it, or get stuck on a certain level:
Anyway I hope you enjoy, it might not be as polished as it could be but for three days, it's not too shabby. -Joel
Whoop, turned out pretty awesome! I just wish that it had medals here on NG. It's like I can't finish a game without medals these days, need further statual incentive to merit the use of time... even if should be just about playing; having fun. Nice work, anyway!
First or Final Ludum Dare? Any future plans? LD always brings out so much great stuff, but sounds like a pretty intense event to work in.